The Key Studio Sessions: Kuf Knotz drops Boombox Logic on a live studio audience
The vibe was cozy and familial when Kuf Knotz brought his band (and a few dozen fans) into the WXPN studios last month. It was a few weeks before the release of Boombox Logic on MAD Dragon Records, and the Philly hip hop stalwart treated his crowd to an exclusive live preview of more than half of the album’s songs. From the control room, I watched heads bobbing around the room to the charismatic MC and his commanding backing trio—singer Ali Wadsworth, a powerhouse of Aretha proportions (listen to her wail on “Sunny Philadelphia”); DJ El Smooth, master of using Reason to make tonally rich mixes; and guitarist Tom Copson, who chimed in with smart, subtle accents. The group could carry a show on its own, but that night, it didn’t have to. In a treat for the studio audience, many of Boombox Logic’s guest collaborators were on hand to lend their voice to the proceedings, from Chris Kasper’s whispery murmurs on “Clock Tickin’” to Doodlebug’s incisive, inspired flow on “Soul Music.” Download the entire seven-song set below.