Vote for your favorite local bands and albums in The Key’s Best Of 2010
What would the holiday season be without the time-honored tradition of the end-of-year Best Of list? Well, it would probably be the same egregious-display-of-excessive-consumerism-masquerading-as-a-religious-celebration that it is every year. But with a less awesome soundtrack.
Among other things, December is a time for the Internet to look back on the music it was obsessed with the previous 11 months—and, here at The Key, we’re no different. Later this month, we’ll be posting our Top Ten favorite local bands, new albums, debut albums, and up-and-coming acts to watch, brought to you buy the staff and hosts of WXPN. We’ll also be reaching out to the local music community to get input from bloggers, artists, producers, venue employees, and other folks. In the meantime, however, we want to know what you think. (No, really, we do.) Because we know you have opinions. Serious opinions that you want—nay, need!—to share with the rest of the Internet. So please do take a moment to drop by our polling page to tell us why our Top Ten lists are completely, absolutely, 1000% wrong, and which albums we obviously should have spent much more time praising. (Deadline is Friday, December 17th; results will be posted the week of December 27th.)
Click here to visit The Key’s Best Of 2010 Reader Submission Page and submit your vote!