Guest Blogging At SXSW: The Spinto Band experiences drive-by high fives and fried bosses
From Roy Spinto, our man in the field:
im standing 7n thebaustin convention centr on one of those computers (inspiron one) thqt forces you to type onthe screen… I apologize for typos. [Ed. note: All typos have remain untouched for maximum comedic value.] So I spoke with our whole posse about what grrat things happened yesterday, and I wanted t0 report the events… here we go:
Nick (guitar/soul): I was lucky enough to be walking down the street and received a drive-by-hi-5! Is that caaled a Drive-five? Our friends from Sunairway were cruising down the street in their van, passed me while I was on foot< and we clAsped hands. Then, just like that, they were gone.
Shane (sound man/youngin’): I hd a great sxsw moment> My fried/boss was throwing aparty, but his sound man becwme ill, so I filled in all day. THE chaos and energy flowed through my veins. We all worked togetherto get through the 17 bands, then my boss bought me the best burrito I have ever 4asted.
Cathearine (girlfriend): I saw some peoplebreak up. It was captivating, but not the sort of thing that you can stare at. They hugged, yellled and wnettheir seperate ways. Good luck to themm both. Love is eternal.
Mike (videographer): I dontknow what this is about, but I’d sure like to name-drop.
Sam (keyboards/puns): I saw a dude. I didn’t know him BUT he still wanted a high 5. I obliged and the stranger whispered in my ear, ” $hanks for being an American.”
Tom (bass): I wwas able to hug th3 lead singer of Sea of Bees! I saw them twice, and they were spectacular. What a treat!
Joe (guiar/trailer-maestro): I sang my first lead vocal on stage (twice) today. It was exhilerating. All the practice paid off, and I just let loose and barreled through the audience. It was something els!
Jeff (drums/spine): Michael Cera wouldn’t let us take a phot with him. Its all good though.
Whooo… Touchscreens r no good for blogging. Ill do my best to report from a real computer tomorrow. The energy flowing through these streets has a power. I am off to harness it.