A quick recap of Slutever’s SXSW experience (in pictorial form)
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Earlier this month, before the members of Slutever left Philadelphia for the bright lights of SXSW in Austin (which was part of the band’s first tour), we asked them if they’d be interested in documenting the experience for us. They said yes—and, when they asked what kind of stuff we’d like to get, we basically said, “Whatever seems appropriate.” So, here it is: Slutever’s SXSW experience, in pictorial form (with additional commentary from Rachel below). Personally, we can’t imagine anything more appropriate.
SXSW was insane. I have never been so sore, tired, and beaten up in my whole life. We saw more shows in the span of a week than I think most people see in their lifetime. The best showcase we attended was the Hardly Art/Sub Pop showcase—literally one of the best shows I’ve been to in my life. Hunx and his Punx almost made us quit music—the man is a genuis and his band was fucking onnnn! It was great to see so many local Philly bands be a part of the scene—the crowd loved the Extraordinaries (as they should!) and it was fun to hang out with our Philly buds in the blazing Texas heat.
In general, it was scary to be involved in something so much bigger than ourselves. We have only been a band for about a year and this was our first time experiencing anything like this. What I took away from SXSW is an even greater love for the DIY and local community scenes. It was really apparent which bands like to stick together, what scenes are killing it right now (NASHVILLE), and just how many bands there are that are trying their darndest to share their music with the world. Of course I’ve always known the music industry is saturated—but at SXSW there is no way to ignore just how many bands there actually are.
All I can hope is that as a female, two-piece punk band, what we are doing is fresh and innovative enough—not to mention EXCITING enough—that people will actually care to listen and support us. We’re doing our best, and we’ll see what the future will bring! —Rachel