This Month’s Shaking Through Session: Big Troubles’ “Phantom”
This month’s episode of Shaking Through—the online audio and video collaboration between Weathervane Music and WXPN—features a new song by Big Troubles, “Phantom.” The Ridgewood, NJ-based dream-pop quartet was selected by guest curators Jenn and Liz Pelly (of pellytwins.blogspot.com); the song—which is Big Troubles’ first full recording since last year’s Worry—will appear as the B-side on the band’s next single. You can listen to the track below; visit the Shaking Through website to see photos, interviews, and more from the session.
From the Shaking Through folks:
Alex, Ian, Sam and Luca arrived the night of March 4. The next two days would prove to be an amazing first recording experience in a high-end studio. Their song, “Phantom,” was the first full band recording since the album, Worry.
To Jenn and Liz Pelly, the twin sister co-authors of PellyTwins.blogspot.com, Big Troubles seemed the perfect band for this opportunity. “When they sent us the demo, we loved the song but it was almost like listening to it through a tube or behind a wall,” says Jenn. “It was awesome yesterday to be in the studio and finally hear that wall knocked down.”
“Having a team like this to help out bands who maybe don’t have some label to throw money at them is awesome” says Alex Craig, the songwriter and frontman for the song. And for Big Troubles, it was a perfect rehearsal for the making of their next record, which began days later in South Carolina.