Tonight’s Concert Pick: High Places at Kung Fu Necktie
The action packed, cringe-worthy nature of High Places’ new music video is by no means a reflection of the band’s music. With layering effects, lo-fi vocals, and an overall XX/Beach House-esque sound, the Brooklyn-based duo produces beat-heavy tunes you’d expect to hear at some underground dance club. Instead, Rob Barber and Mary Pearson chose a gruesomely violent and sand-drenched stage for their mellow song “Sonora.” Bloodied and desperate, Pearson’s character ignores the sickening growth in her forearm and seeks revenge on a madman, as her distant, melodic vocals float in the background. The desolate terrain of the video might be the only thing a listener can expect, since the title of the song likely refers to the Sonoran Desert and the lyrics focus on a desert theme. Still, there is no question that the plot of the video is definitely unexpected. High Places performs at 8 p.m. at Kung Fu Necktie; tickets to the 21+ show are $10.—Caitlyn Grabenstein