Well, here’s some interesting news: Kung Fu Necktie is temporarily going all-ages and BYOB after the venue failed to renew its liquor license, The Deli reports. That news comes only a few days after the venue posted an ominous heads-up on its Facebook page on December 28th, which stated that “we are CLOSED tonight due to some unforeseen issues. sorry dudes!,” and was followed by a handful of notices about shows being rescheduled at other area venues. From The Deli:

“We also heard through the grapevine on NYE that the beloved music venue had failed to renew their liquor license so we asked KFN booker Jeff Meyers about the rumor and the future of shows being held there. He responded, ‘Seems to be more to the story, and [I] don’t know when the issues will be resolved.’ However, he does plan to keep as many of the shows as he can at the venue, but they will be ALL AGES and B.Y.O.B.”

You can read the full story here. Here’s to hoping that the folks over at KFN get their affairs in order, as it’s easily one of the better rock venues in town.