The Key Studio Sessions: Music for Headphones
Local experimental rock head Jonathan Allen has recorded under the Music for Headphones banner since moving to Philadelphia in the mid-aughts, dabbling in shoegaze, industrial and electronic textures. But it’s only been within the past few years that the project evolved beyond a prolific string of home recordings and into a performing band. The four players and their four voluminous amplifiers (and innumerable effects pedals) made a wonderful rumble when recording their Key Studio Session last weekend. Songs ranged from the instrumental jam “Super Bored” (originally found on their 2011 album Life in Mono) to a new number, the uber-catchy “Why.” Download the session below, listen to our interview with the band tomorrow night at 7 on The Key Studio Sessions Hour on XPN2, and catch them live next weekend. They’re kicking off a new curated series at their performance space, Inciting HQ – home to the Inciting Action DJ nights – on Thursday, March 8 with a lineup of Denmark’s The Foreign Resort, Philadelphia’s Faux Slang and themselves.