WXPN and the Philadelphia Film Society announce opening and closing films for the XPN Music Film Festival
From the promo department:
The opening and closing films for Philadelphia’s first festival solely dedicated to movies about music are ready to rock! WXPN, the nationally-recognized leader in Triple A (Adult Album Alternative) music and noncommercial radio service of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Film Society today announced that Big Easy Express will open the XPN Music Film Festival on Thursday, April 26. The film documents Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Old Crow Medicine Show and Mumford & Sons’ 2011 tour. Under African Skies is a documentary film that follows Paul Simon’s journey back to South Africa to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Graceland. It will close the festival on Sunday, April 29.
Big Easy Express opens the festival at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 26th, at the Annenberg Center’s Zellerbach Theatre; Under African Skies screens at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 29th, at the Zellerbach Theatre. You can go over the festival’s full schedule here. You can watch the trailers for both films below.