Listen to The Spinning Leaves’ new 7-inch, “Head Aglow,” via streaming audio on the band’s website
The Spinning Leaves’ new 7-inch, “Head Aglow,” is now available via streaming audio on the band’s website. The band will celebrate the release of the single with a show at Underground Arts on April 27th; the show will also feature performances by Juliet Hope Wayne, Lightninging, and Divers. From the band:
“Head Aglow” was recorded at Waterfront Studios in Hudson, NY inside a large 19th century church with the renowned producer and engineer Henry Hirsch(Lenny Kravitz, Mick Jagger, Madonna). The Spinning Leaves collaborated on the production of three songs with Hirsch, their long-time friend and sonic trustee Rachel Alina, guitar galaxy genius Ross Bellenoit, and saucy beatist Spencer Cohen. The result is a record with incredible depth, both audibly and emotionally. With access to mics from the 30’s to the present and recording straight to 2 inch tape, the vinyl sounds velvety warm and their voices fly. The songs themselves are a ripping and putting back together. “Knife Arms” is a spell of a song about the beauty and snares of love, the simultaneous gut slices and clear comfort of a partner. “Shades of Red” is like catching fire, an elemental musing on the vigor and mystery of life. “Dulcimer Grove” is a big dream gift, a wonder scene of time and space given from one to another, whole again.
The Spinning Leaves perform with Juliet Hope Wayne, Lightninging, and Divers at 9 p.m. at Underground Arts; tickets to the show are $10.