Stream Glen Hansard’s new album on NPR, playing Free at Noon this Friday 6/15
Glen Hansard‘s very first solo album, Rhythm and Repose, out on June 19th, is a excellent collection of soulful and quiet melodies from the former lead singer of The Frames and member of The Swell Season with Marketa Irglova. Go here to stream the whole album on NPR. Also, this Friday, June 15th, he is set to play a members-only Free at Noon triple-header along with Mary Chapin Carpenter and Michael Kiwanuka.
Stephen Thompson from NPR says about the album:
A gentle, breezy bummer, Rhythm and Repose (out June 19) is Hansard’s quietest record yet; to put it mildly, it spends more time in repose than it spends enslaved by the rhythm. Other than a few showy climaxes in its midsection (“High Hope” and “Bird of Sorrow,” to be exact), Rhythm and Repose remains content mostly to see the lightly, with much of its instrumentation employed for the purpose of subtle shading. Those seeking vein-bulging thunder will have to plunge back into Hansard’s rich catalog, or wait to see him command yet another live stage. In the meantime, he still sings of the same things — unrequited longing, mistakes repeated, the enduring pursuit of grace and joy — but they’re channeled here through a mature mind in a mellow mood.
Glen Hansard is playing Union Transfer on September 20th, you can purchase tickets here.