Get to know Norwegian Arms
Self-described “weirdo folk duo” Norwegian Arms have a lot going for them; both the smarts and the skills. Singer/songwriter Brendan Mulvihill started creating material for what was to become Norwegian Arms while working in Russia as a Fulbright scholar. The other member of the band, Dr. Dog drummer Eric Slick, brings his remarkable sense of rhythm to the mix with rollicking Tupperware beats. Combining the gentle giddiness of Mulvihill’s voice, his lively mandolin playing, and the tender earnestness of his lyrics, the duo create something truly wonderful and fun.
The band’s last releases — the Trimmings of Hides and Sibir’ EPs — came out just over a year ago, and the band has since recorded a full album that they’re set to release as soon as they can find a label. But the two have a lot going on besides: Slick (or Doc Awk, as he’s credited on the band’s websites) is full-timing it with Dr. Dog while Mulvihill (aka Keith Birthday) just returned from a trip to Chile with ESL Folk, a project he started with friends to help students in other countries learn English by way of American folk music.
But fear not, there’s still time for shows. On June 30th, Norwegian Arms will play Johnny Brenda’s along with New York-based Young Magic, Boston’s Quilt, and local psych-folk band Weyes Blood. Tickets to the 21+ show are available here for $10. Below, stream “Kiva Ikva” from Norwegian Arms’ forthcoming album, Wolf Like A Stray Dog.