Vibe out with Philly’s Neighborhood Choir
Neighborhood Choir is the project of Philadelphia’s Bennett Daniels, a side player and regular bassist in the city’s tight-knit space rock scene. He plays in Brendan Codey‘s band, as well as the noisier outfit Hippie Johnny. Left to his own devices in the Choir, Daniels makes what he refers to as “glo-fi pop.” Which is an appropriate description when you’re crediting somebody on your recording with “slide guitar and twinkles” (that would be collaborator Paul Sukeena). But if that sets off your worry instincts that maybe this music might be too noodley and naval-gazing for you liking – fear not. Daniels strikes a great balance between creating a vibey ambience and crafting catchy, memorable pop numbers, walking the same tightrope as Grandaddy and American Analog Set, and doing it admirably. Grab a free download of “St. Raymond of the Dogs” below, and check out more of Neighborhood Choir’s music at its Bandcamp page.