Next Monday, Joe Jack Talcum – the guitarist and co-songwriter behind iconic Philly punk satarists The Dead Milkmen – celebrates his 50th birthday. His friends, however, are a few steps ahead of him. Yeasterday, the tribute album Now You Are 50 appeared online, gathering some 23 of Joe Jack’s songs as covered by folks from Philly indie group The Trolleyvox to Roanoke rockers The Bastards of Fate and Milkmen drummer Dean Clean. From the album’s Bandcamp page:

Throughout his career, Joe Jack Talcum has been influential both as a performer and a person, and for his 50th birthday, the folks on this album pay tribute to him by dipping into his catalog, from his solo work to the numerous bands he’s been a part of, and doing their best to reinvent a song or two. It’s our little “thank you” for having the opportunity to have him in our lives.

Stream the album below, grab a download from Bandcamp, and be sure to wish Joe Jack a belated happy 50th when The Milkmen play Union Transfer on Halloween.