Folkadelphia Session: Daniel Bachman
Welcome to the Folkadelphia Sessions, a weekly feature focusing on the in-studio performances recorded by the Folkadelphia crew. Here, folk musicians and singer-songwriters are given the opportunity to share songs that we have recorded in a live, intimate, and often stripped-down fashion at the WXPN studios. There is a real truth and beauty in the rawness of the whole set-up that we hope you’ll hear and enjoy!
Maybe it’s due to his young age or just his personality, but Daniel Bachman was one of the most easygoing people to step foot inside of the WXPN Studio to record a Folkadelphia Session. Whenever I think of the giants of instrumental guitar music – the John Fahey / Robbie Basho / Jack Rose-types – I always imagine a larger-than-life figure. I imagine a person mystically compelled to relay a deeper insight into what it means to be human or how we fit into this universe all through the playing of a guitar. Now, it is extremely possible that Bachman already possesses these qualities, or perhaps they lay latent within all who choose this musical path, or perhaps he will acquire them one day in a frenzied atavistic spirit quest, returning a changed man. As it stands currently, Bachman is a regular and excitable guy that can write some of the most thrilling acoustic music I’ve heard in a number of years.
On October 24th, 2012, Bachman stopped by the studio before his show at the Little Berlin exhibition space. The songs included in the set, a good mix from this year’s Seven Pines (released on Tompkins Square) and other material, resonate and buzz with the same type of exuberance, graciousness, and excitability displayed by the man with the guitar in his hands. Let the melodies take you where they will.