Download: Heyward Howkins’ iPhone demo “Be Frank Furness” (playing 2/21 at MilkBoy)
Yesterday, Heyward Howkins‘ Facebook fans woke up to an unexpected year-end surprise from their guy with a guitar and a golden voice. “Be Frank Furness” is a brand-new song that Howkins recorded on his iPhone on Saturday night. Named for the famed Philadelphia architect, Howkins wrote that it is about his time at a high school in Northeast Philadelphia (“Yeah Prep!”, he says). It’s got the nimble vocals and expressive acoustic guitar we know and love from Heyward, as well as the highly specific universailty of his lyrics. By which I mean, when he sings about riding the elevated train and the light rail, he’s talking about very specific things that people in this area know well. But he’s singing about them in a way that anybody in any city who ever had to ride the train to Catholic shool might relate. Download it below; Howkins’ next Philadelphia show is February 21 at MilkBoy opening for Broken Anchor.