Folkadelphia Session: Anais Mitchell
So, I have no idea what folk music really is, but that’s ok, I know truly moving musicians. In my own folksy world, Anais Mitchell is queen. Her expansive, thematically thrilling albums like Hadestown, which is the Orpheus story told via folk-opera or last year’s Young Man In America reign supreme over the cornfields and dustbowls of my folksy soundscape. That’s not to even mention the music she creates, music that deftly soars with harmonies, rings golden with a multitude of instruments, and tugs at the heart. It’s something to behold.
It was with absolute pleasure that we were able to record a few songs with Anais and her band members Rachel Ries and Ben Davis (from Philly/Brooklyn’s Cuddle Magic) before they played at Johnny Brenda’s on December 6th, 2012. Anais and Jefferson Hamer will be releasing their take on the Child Ballads later this year. Stream and download our session below.
In addition to recording this session to a hard drive, we also captured it on cassette tape for an interesting effect. Little did we know that the cassette deck was in disrepair and would introduce some artifacts and phasing issues into the mix. That being said, the humbly dubbed “warbly cassette mix” sounds like a long lost musical gem, perhaps discovered in the attic of an abandoned home. If you’re interested in hearing this cassette mix in its entirety, email [email protected].