Folkadelphia Bonus Session: Abi Reimold
As you already know, dearest reader of The Key, we have a plethora of amazing musical talent in our fair city. Every single day, I hear a new local artist, album, or song that mesmerizes me, that stokes my Philly pride, and that inspires me to beseech others to listen. It’s why I keep doing what I’m doing (whatever it is that I’m doing) to try and spread the word about honest music.
This past Sunday, we posted the cosmic ambient sound that Mary Lattimore and Jeff Zeigler created in the studio and, next Sunday (2/17), we’ll be posting a double session feature with Spirit & Dust and Small Houses in advance of their Folkadelphia presented record release show on Saturday, 2/23. I thought that we might as well make this week an impromptu local music celebration, so we’re sharing another recent session to bridge the Sundays.
At the end of last year, on December 17th, we spent an evening with Abi Reimold, who is a Philadelphia songwriter, an excellent photographer, and a Temple student. Obviously these parts do not make up the whole person – even the music only just skims the surface of the unknowable depths of creativity that Ms. Reimold has within herself. She is a young, developing singer-songwriter and therein lays the beauty and the rawness of the session. These are my favorite kinds of recordings; tracks that display the musician in her most bare state of being. You can hear the songs breathing with new life and emotion. With these set of songs, Abi shows tremendous promise and I cannot wait to hear what she comes up with next.
Beyond this session, make sure you listen to her other recordings because they are a treat.