I like this new iPhone demo thing Heyward Howkins has been doing.  It started back in December with a late-night recording of “Be Frank Furness” posted to the local singer-songwriter’s Soundcloud, and now we get another sneak peek of his upcoming LP with “Flimsy.”  Howkins tells us the song is “about Seattle dispensaries, nomads and the rest of the us” and will be on Cut & Corral, his 2013 full-length that follows last year’s The Hale & Hearty debut.  Howkins will perform at Old City Coffee for Heyward & JoJo: Alone & Together Again with high school buddy / former bandmate Joey Sweeney on March 21st.  He will also play March 26th’s Tuesday Tune-Out at PhilaMOCA for Philadelphia Area Music Showcase with Auctioneer (information here).  Stream and download the iPhone demo of “Flimsy” below.