Watch Gretchen Lohse’s Random Tea Session performance of “Primal Rumble”
Watch Gretchen Lohse’s Random Tea Session performance of “Primal Rumble”
Photo credit: Vince Miesejewski
Gretchen Lohse’s “Primal Rumble” is aptly named. Lohse’s voice has a raw, wild quality and the song is not unlike a primal rumble, even if it sounds more like the primal rumble of a songbird than of a wild cat. Lohse is a veteran of the Philadelphia music scene. She performed in Yellow Humphrey and collaborated with Summer Fiction before branching out on her own. She has a solo album due out this summer and recorded a studio session for The Key in January with Thomas Hughes of The Spinto Band. She played “Primal Rumble” then, too, but the ethereal video of Hughes and Lohse performing is an added compliment to her singing and writing style. Below, watch “Primal Rumble.”