Listen to Broadzilla’s three-years-in-the-making, awesomely all-over-the-place new DJ Mix
Broadzilla brings an eclectic blend of fuzz-pop, rap, rock and anything else you would probably want in their new DJ mix. Released about five days ago, this mix was made per fan’s request for a mixtape that did not have Daft Punk, or any trace of a Daft Punk sample, a relatively bold demand considering Daft Punk has been a major influence for the better part of the recent techno/dance/electronic/dubstep scene. They delivered offering an hour long dance mix that will both genuinely have listeners dancing, but will also play on the nostalgia heart strings of those who have always wanted a reason to pump their fist to the Smiths.
This mix is vast. Delving into diverse sets of music genres, Daft Punk is Cliche But It’ll Makim Dance uses bands which most would disregard as “dance” music almost completely. Normally, bands such as Gang of Four, Nirvana, or The Smiths are not the type of music the general population would classify as “dance-y” or the type of music conducive of dancing. Fantastic, sure; Upbeat, yes; bodies moving in an outwardly dancing motion, sometimes, but for the most part, these bands are regarded as what they are: classic and legendary. Set all preconceived notions aside, because this mix will have you moving, harder than you may like, to songs like “Damaged Goods” by Gang of Four, and will have those who yearn for a DJ mix which is more indie, or a mix which moves away completely from the mainstream, completely satisfied.
Moving from Ol’ Dirty Bastard to Weezer to Aphex Twin, you never know what to expect. It is apparent just from listening to the mix that the DJs who brought this musical wonder to our ears listen to and appreciate a huge variety music. Which is absolutely a fresh of breath air. Broadzilla took to heart “no Daft Punk” and they produced a hugely different and wonderful mix. Listen to it, download it and dance to it below.