Trophy Wife, Screaming Females, US Girls and more on Ladyfest Philly lineup (happening from 6/7 to 6/9)
Ladyfest Philly, a celebration of women in the arts and activism, announced the full lineup of musicians and workshops for its three-day event from June 7th to June 9th. Among those performing are local power duo Trophy Wife (pictured), New Brunswick noisemakers Screaming Females, Philly native Attia Taylor, new punk three-piece Amanda X, Toronto avant-pop artist US Girls, electronic artist Void Vision and many more.
Workshops include two from Girls Rock Philly – “Amps, Pedals and PAs: Demystifying Electronics” and a drumline – one on bike repair on the go from Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, and the Philly Weekly’s Tara Murtha leading a talk called “Victim Blaming in the Media: What It Is and What You Can Do About It,” to name a few. Participating venues include The Rotunds, Locust Moon Comics and Movies and Airspace Gallery, and proceeds will be split between two organizations: Women in Transition and Project SAFE.
Read the full lineup after the jump, and get ticket and weekend pass information at the Ladyfest Philly website.
3Jane (New Brunswick)
Amanda X
Attia Taylor (New York)
Aye Nako (New York)
Big Mouth (Baltimore)
Black Wine (New Jersey)
Blizzard Babies (Chicago)
US Girls (Toronto)
Ghost Ship (Rosali Middleman and Mary Lattimore)
In School (New York)
Kate Ferencz
Mindtroll (New York)
Parasol (Boston)
Peeple Watchin’ (Boston)
Potty Mouth (Western Mass)
Priests (D.C.)
Screaming Females (New Brunswick)
Shady Hawkins (New York)
Trophy Wife
Void Vision
Whore Paint (Providence)
Workshops include:
Abortion, Menstrual Extraction, and the MVA
Amps, Pedals and PAs: Demystifying Electronics with Girls Rock Philly
Drawing Autobio Comics with Liz Prince and Ramsey Beyer
Drumline with Girls Rock Philly
Feminist Organizing Workshop with For the Birds
Fix-A-Flat with the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Herbal Infusions and Tinctures
Project SAFE: What’s It All About?
Queer and Trans Yoga with shay and Qui
Radical Printmaking: Pulling the Personal and the Political with Leah Girardo
Readings from Liz Prince, Suzy X, Annie Mok, Kerri Radley, Katie Haegele and Jes Skolnik
Self Defense: From Eye Contact to Eye Poking
Sexual Communication and Consent with Dr. Justine Marie Shuey (Juicy Justine)
The Stop Motion Stomp Station
Urban Gardening at Plotland
Victim-Blaming in the Media: What It Is & What You Can Do About It with Tara Murtha
Youth, Activism and the Arts