Watch Sonja Sofya’s Kettle Pot Tracks Session
Watch Sonja Sofya’s Kettle Pot Tracks Session
In their writeup, the folks at Kettle Pot Tracks’ On the Hill series mention how they met this week’s featured artist Sonja Sofya when she accompanied their Ross Bellenoit session. Funny, that; I also met Sofya this year as an accompanist, or rather as a member of Ryan Tennis’ Clubhouse Band who handed me her own CD after his Key Studio Session wrapped up. She’s got a unique voice – robust and soulful, yet light and playful, and she’s an ace pianist to boot. In this week’s On the Hill session, she performs two songs, this time with Bellenoit as the accompaniest. Watch a video for “Que Sera” below, read an interview with Sofya here and download her performance via Kettle Pot Tracks’ Bandcamp.