Instagram Recap: Who is #GUITARCULES and why do they rule so hard?
Last night the gang at Guild Shows kicked off their month curating the Tuesday Tune-Out series at PhilaMOCA with a performance like few have ever seen. Not much was known about GUITARCULES going into it – we couldn’t find any videos of this monster riff-centric supergroup on YouTube or Vimeo – and the images that exploded across my Instagram feed last night gave but a few other clues.
One of the players was clearly Greg Labold, of BandName and other musical pursuits. The band wears brightly colored masks that fall somewhere between The Residents and Slipknot. They released an album to Bandcamp yesterday afternoon. And, well, it looks and sounds like totally ridiculous mayhem and the performance clearly ruled hard.
My curiosity piqued, I was able to contact the drummer of the group – who preferred to remain anonymous – and they described the show over email as “pretty fucking outrageous” – which, I’d expect no less of a group who’s lineup consists of 4 guitarists, 2 bass players, 1 drummer and guest percussion. “We played way too long,” the drummer writes. “Eric [Bresler, programming director at PhilaMOCA] was very patient with us though. haha. We had 20 minutes of music and our set was an hour including a 25 minute guitar solo competition.” Day-em. Crank the album below, check out a selection of Instagram photos after the jump, and look for more from GUITARCULES at their Facebook page.

Instagram by @markyha

Instagram by @bean_dream

Instagram by @catpark

Instagram by @hopalongtheband

Instagram by @catpark

Instagram by @catpark

Instagram by @markyha

Instagram by @catpark