Bosnian Rainbows | Photo by Chris SikichMaking their Sargent House full-length debut later this month, Bosnian Rainbows have released another track from the album called “Morning Sickness.”  The Omar Rodriguez-Lopez / Teri Gender Bender collaboration has resulted in two other experimental rock tracks so far – “Torn Maps” and “Turtle Neck” – and like the others, “Morning Sickness” revels in Gender Bender’s dreamy vocals, chanting themselves into a trance as she repeats the line “All I can say is / I blame you for loving me.”  Paired with Rodriguez-Lopez’s crushing guitar riffs and monumental solo, the song has a yin yang balance of heavy- and lightness.  Bosnian Rainbows play Underground Arts on July 13th; tickets and information can be found here.  Stream “Morning Sickness” below.