Philly’s Little Big League release new track, “Lindsey” (opening for Titus Andronicus this Friday at Union Transfer)
Philly’s Little Big League release new track, “Lindsey” (opening for Titus Andronicus this Friday at Union Transfer)
Philly’s own Little Big League have released a new track, “Lindsey”, via the Soundcloud page of their label, Tiny Engines Records. The indie rock quartet started releasing music together in April of 2012, with their debut 7″, and their full-length debut, These Are Good People, is expected out some time this summer through Tiny Engines. If you like the sound of “Lindsey”, dig deeper and check out what else they have to offer on their Bandcamp page, and don’t miss them this Friday June 14th at Union Transfer, opening for the intensely fun Titus Andronicus. It will be a reunion of sorts, since LBL drummer Ian Dykstra played in Titus from 2006 to 2007. Tickets and info for that show can be found here.