Cheers Elephant’s Derek Krzywicki gets funky on some new French disco
Cheers Elephant’s Derek Krzywicki gets funky on some new French disco
Photo by Cora Rivera
As reported by the band’s Twitter, Cheers Elephant frontman Derek Krzywicki recently worked with a French producer who goes by the name of Digital Badbeat. The product of their collaboration? “The Coach.” A Daft Punk-esque disco track that’s obviously worth a listen (or two or three). From the opening, wildly infectious beat, to the onslaught of heavy synthesizers that shortly follows, there’s never anything even close to a dull moment on this tune. Still not convinced it’s worth it? Just wait for (what sounds like) the choir of schoolchildren to help out on backing vocals near the two and a half minute mark. Check it out for yourself below via Soundcloud.