Folkadelphia Session: Dana Falconberry
Like a cool breeze off the waterfront, we present Dana Falconberry and her Folkadelphia Session, recorded at the beginning of May and saved for a special time in the summer. Recently, here in Philadelphia, the heatwave has seemingly passed, the temperature has fallen, and time spent outside doesn’t feel like swimming through thick molten air any longer. Now is the season for kicking back and taking your sweet ol’ time; enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.
On her latest record, Leelanau, Dana translates nature sounds into wonderous musical worlds – bird chirps are emulated by joyous bursts of vocal harmonization, wind rushes are transformed into gentle acoustic guitar strums, and the forest spirit is captured by lush orchestral parts. Be it that most of her songs are directly or indirectly titled or about landscape, geography, animals, and places, but I cannot help but mentally transport myself to a river bank or a hillside, perhaps like the Leelanau’s album art or to one of the idyllic photos that Dana snaps on tour.
Refresh yourself, drink in the ice cube crowded glass of rejuvenating lemonade that is Dana Falconberry’s Folkadelphia Session. Dana and her band recorded this session on May 11th the day after her performance at the Tin Angel.