Watch Kathy O’Connell nail her washboard solo at Folk Fest
Watch Kathy O’Connell nail her washboard solo at Folk Fest
Photo by Steve RammThis is probably the goofiest and most entertaining thing I’ve seen all week. At last weekend’s Philadelphia Folk Fest, Kathy O’Connell was invited onstage during the Kids’ Corner showcase performance of Marcie Marxer and Cathy Fink. What seemed like O’Connell being congratulated on 25 years of hosting Kids’ Corner on XPN took an interesting turn when Marxer placed a giant washboard around her neck. Not one to be frightened off by a decked-out laundry appliance, O’Connell began to jam right along with the duo. If you missed it at the Folk Fest, or you wanna see it again, you can watch the video by Steve Ramm below.