Watch Flag return to their first venue, Moose Lodge; get amped to see them at The Trocadero on 9/18
This may get a little confusing, but bear with me.
Black Flag formed in the late 70s and basically brought punk to California with their intense and experimental sound that at times leaned towards metal. As the group evolved, their sound developed as well, become less about intense two minute songs and more about longer, improvisational mid-tempo songs. Along with these evolutions came a ton of lineup changes, breakups, reunions and more breakups and reunions. And now, the band has basically split in two.
Black Flag features Greg Ginn, the original guitarist and owner to basically all the rights to the band. Their reunion tour happened this summer, and hit up Union Transfer in June. Flag, on the other hand, features several members of the band throughout the years including one of many singers Keith Morris of Circle Jerks and Descendants guitarist Stephen Egerton.
Still following me? Good. On September 18th, Flag will perform at The Trocadero with all the energy and intensity a punk band can muster. Below, is a video of the group from April, where they played the Moose Lodge, the very same venue where Black Flag first played live. In it, the band seems just as hardcore as ever, wailing away at instruments and belting out vocals as the crowd jumps around in enthusiasm. It’s just a glimpse of what you’ll see in September, but it looks like an incredible show.