Download “I Am The Sea” from Psalmships’ new Songs for a Red Bird EP (playing Earth Bread and Brewery on 9/19, Ortlieb’s on 10/3)
Area singer-songwriter Joshua Britton continues the creative streak of his Psalmships project with the release of the new EP, Songs for a Red Bird, which is available for streaming and pre-order today via Bandcamp. Its his third release in the past year, and sonically one of his most direct. While Britton’s work traditionally cloaks itself in reverb for a haunting mystique, this one the echoing sounds are dialed well down and we hear the singer as though he’s sitting on a couch in the living room next to us. It’s clear and clean, but simultaneously frail. His voice shakes with wearied emotion on the free download “I Am the Sea,” but rather than coming across as a mistake or a bad take, this makes the track all the more engrossing. Stream and download the song below, check out the full EP here. And catch Psalmships live at the Earth Bread and Brewery Hootenanny! show with Brandon Morsberger and Todd Henkin of The Great Unknown this Thursday, September 19th; or at Ortlieb’s Lounge on October 3rd.