photo by acidjack

Psych-y garage rock band Spacin’ trekked down to North Carolina a few weeks ago for the Hopscotch Music Festival, an eclectic three-day event in the Raleigh that has been incredibly welcoming to Philadelphia bands in recent years. The now-firmly established quartet of Spacin’ (formed by Birds of Maya’s Jason Killinger in 2012) played two shows at the festival, including a Paradise of Bachelors showcase on September 7th that featured sets by fellow Philly-associated acts like Daniel Bachman / Pelt, Steve Gunn and Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band.

The seemingly ubiquitous audio archivists at NYCTaper were on hand to record the show, which means Spacin’s full set is now available to download for free. The band filled their tight 20 minute day-time set with tracks from their debut Deep Thuds LP alongside a couple of unreleased songs. Listen to the recording of “Gary in the Universe” below and download the show via NYCTaper here.