The Key Studio Sessions: Lily Mae
Chances are it won’t take you too long to think of Joni Mitchell once Bucks County’s Lily Mae starts singing. But keep listening. The talented young guitarist and songwriter has just as much admiration for the mood-setting complexity of Laura Marling – even if her own songwriting takes a very positive, optimistic outlook – and as we see in the video shot at this session, she’s not ashamed to work some of the pop music world into her style. (Hint: it’s a cover. And it will probably take you a minute to recognize it.) Lily’s debut EP Early Days was self-released earlier this year, and she made a spash performing at Helen Leicht’s Philly Local stage at the Philadelphia Folk Festival in August. Coming up she has an impressive string of opening slots, performing at World Cafe Live on Friday the 4th of October with Toby Lightman; Bucks County Playhouse on the 6th with Joan Osborne; and on the 10th at Ardmore Music Hall with Amy Helm. Stream and download this week’s Key Session below – it includes an outstanding duet with singer-songwriter Alexandra Veltri called “Don’t You Hear,” an ode to Lily’s 90-year-old activist grandmother.