Wooden Shjips | photo via Fantastic Promotion

San Francisco’s Wooden Shjips are set to release Back to Land next month on Thrill Jockey, bringing the record with them to Underground Arts when they play with Bardo Pond, and Creepoid on November 15th.  In the swirls, zooms and pans of the title track, the psych rock outfit have dug up a time capsule straight to the technicolor and transcendental heyday of their city.  Back to Land gives us a look at Shjips through a different glass, as it’s the first and only record to be rooted in a place other than San Francisco – the band moved to Oregon following their 2011 LP West.  The change is noticable on “These Shadows,” a song featuring the new addition of an acoustic guitar.  Tickets and information for their 21+ show at Underground Arts can be found here.  Listen to the two tracks below and download “Back to Land” here.