Khari Mateen puts a new spin in PTSD awareness in “Where Did They Go”
For his first EP release since 2012’s Wait For Sunrise, Philly producer and electronic pop songwriter Khari Mateen took his own musical spin on raising awareness for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. For the Qualia project, Mateen put together a bouncing, jazzed-up track called “Where Did They Go” depicting different emotions and experiences involving PTSD, which can affect anyone from returning war veterans to victims of crime. The new tune can be downloaded on various platforms via Mateen’s website. Tonight, you can see him perform at The Philadelphia Art Alliance’s Naked event alongside singer Leah Kauffman (you may also know her as the Lifestyle and Entertainment producer at Philly.com). Find details and tickets for the 7 p.m. show here. Listen, download, and support Mateen’s new track via Bandcamp – it’s available as a limited-time name-your-own-price mp3.