Panel guest Khari Mateen | Photo by Abi Reimold |

Next month’s Philly Music Spectrum will be a night of music discussions, Q&As and networking curated by Drexel senior Sarah Glorioso and convening at Underground Arts on February 18th.

Covering topics like social media use, breaking into and succeeding in a particular local-music-related field and general talk about the pros (and maybe cons) of being a musician or fan in Philadelphia, the event will be a great chance to network and hang out with fellow local music supporters from all corners of the city.

The panel includes Khari Mateen (producer of tracks for The Roots, Jill Scott), John Vettese (editor of The Key, WXPN DJ), Eric McLellan (Warner Brothers / Sire Records) and Marley McNamara (Manager of The Districs and Levee Drivers) and the event will be moderated by Fame House‘s Nick Rizzuto.

More information can be found on the Facebook event page here.