Hear an “acoustic” new Steady Hands single, “Southern Dream,” via FeedbackLoop
Philly punk one-man-show Steady Hands has just released its latest endeavor. Founded in 2012 by Sean Huber, who is also the drummer for Modern Baseball, the band released a version of its new single “Southern Dream” today, recorded with Philly-based new music incubator Feedback Loop.
The video shows Huber standing in a room, backlit by two bright spotlights. Glistening with sweat, he sings “I don’t remember if I told you I loved you or not / Well, I don’t remember the feeling of losing anyone” in a gritty voice. Though the video is an “acoustic” version of the song (as one of our Facebook commenters pointed out, Huber is clearly playing an electric guitar -ed.), it’s still completely indicative of the band’s typically punky, in-your-face sound.
Feedback Loop describes itself as a “music discovery platform that fuels creativity.” The project records video sessions, sessions and gives listeners a “behind-the-scenes” look at the creative process. Steady Hands’ “Southern Dream” video is the first of its Feedback Loop sessions, though the studio version of the song is available by subscribing to the project. Learn more here and watch the video below.
Steady Hands – “Southern Dream” – FeedbackLoop Sessions from FeedbackLoop on Vimeo.