Curly Castro’s latest EP spits out rhymes with heart
Curly Castro’s latest EP spits out rhymes with heart
Photo courtesy of facebook.com/curlycastro
If you want a clear depiction of what modern hip-hop sounds like, take one listen to Curly Castro‘s EP Brody.
Castro’s got an incredible talent of espousing socially-conscious ideas while spitting out rhymes with impeccable energy. Throughout the EP, guitar samples and movie dialogue overlap powerful lyrics, making it irresistible to listen to all six head-bobbing songs.
You can catch Castro with his producer (and fellow MC in the Wrecking Crew) collective, Zilla Rocca, Saturday April 19 at The Fire. The show starts at 9 p.m. and the $10 tickets to the 21+ can be purchased here. If you want more of Castro, check out his The Key Studio Session this past September, at or his solo show a bit away on June 14 (also at The Fire).