Watch the sun rise with Ben Seretan and Katie Von Schleicher
Ben Seretan | photo by Laura Jane Brubaker
Brooklyn experimental musician Ben Seretan joined his keyboardist bandmate Katie Von Schleicher in a dark apartment one early April morning to welcome the rising sun with improvised and composed music.
The sunrise accompaniment begins with a tonal, delicately droning improvisation lead by Von Schleicher, a sort of dawn-of-the-ages soundscape that wouldn’t be out of place in 2001: A Space Odyssey or a planetarium. As the light grows on the wall behind Von Schleicher, she moves from the knobs to the keys and plays an original track before Seretan takes over with a version of traditional country song “Can the Circle Be Unbroken.”
You can catch Seretan and his Philly based guitarist Alex Lewis at Ortlieb’s this Friday. Tickets and information for the show with Psalmships and the Bones of J.R. Jones can be found here. Check out this second installment of The Sunrise Series below, and revisit Seretan’s 2013 Folkadelphia Session here.