Twin Forks covers Band Of Horses, Steve Earle, and himself (Dashboard Confessional) at the North Star
The moment Chris Carrabba stepped out on to the stage, I was instantly reminded of the infamous Matthew McConaughey line from Dazed and Confused. While he may have aged a little, his demographic certainly hasn’t. Starting with emo outfit Further Seems Forever before forming the prolific Dashboard Confessional, and eventually going back to FSF, before settling in on the Nickel Creek meets Dashboard outfit Twin Forks.
While the musical flavorings have changed, the attitude and the heart remain the same. A glowing personality, with some minor crude edges sewn in just to keep things spicy, permeate everything he does. Band members Jonathan Clark, Shawn Zorn, Kelsie and Kimmie Baonoski, are nothing to gawk at however. While Carrabba may have been the star of the show, without the bands flavorful Americana and folk leanings, it would have been just another DC show.
Really they all bring the talents to the table that helped him realize his current dream, and the vocal harmonies brought it all home for me. With only a single album to work off of, they brought in a healthy dose of covers to fill the empty slots from bands such as The Weepies, Band Of Horses, Talking Heads, and, of course, Dashboard Confessional. The night played out exactly as his legion of fans were probably hoping it would.
Check out the photo gallery and set list below.
Set List
1. Can’t Be Broken
2. And She Was
(Talking Heads cover)
3. Something We Just Know
4. The Galway Girl
(Steve Earle cover)
5. Tall Green Grass
(Cory Branan cover)
6. So Impossible
(Dashboard Confessional song)
7. The Swiss Army Romance
(Dashboard Confessional song)
8. Plans
9. Kiss Me Darling
10. World Spins Madly On
(The Weepies cover)
11. Skateland South
(Cory Branan cover)
12. Come On
13. The Best Deceptions
(Dashboard Confessional song)
14. Cross My Mind
15. The General Specific
(Band of Horses cover)
16. Scraping Up the Pieces
17. Back to You