Listen to Ben Falandays’ Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Folk artist Ben Falandays sounds like a pro, which is pretty incredible given the fact that he’s very young. The Delaware expat now lives in Philadelphia (and will soon be relocating to Santiago, Chile) and just started his newest solo project, THANKS. On the digital LP Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, Falandays covers the painful, emotional ground of saying goodbye and searching for home. With a tone of finality, Basic Instructions ties togehter this work with different bands, like Dad on Vacation and The Early Nasa.
Falanday explores a range of different types of folk, from psychedelic to indie to blues. For example, the track “Calvin and Albert” sounds like it could be from a Bright Eyes album. “Give Me Bread” has a bit of the blues thrown in with a great trumpet solo. The opening 30 seconds of “Search For Permanence” and “The Preacher’s Lament” have a definite psychedelic, trippy feeling. What stands out is the lack of dissonance between the different genres. Fallanday’s vocals threads through the album and unites it. In this manner, Fallanday displays great talent, like a practiced musician.
Overall, this is a promising new album from a new artist, well worth checking out. Listen to “Give Me Bread” from Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth below. Watch live performances of “Bread”, “Baby Blue” and a cover of Neutral Milk Hotel’s “In An Aeroplane Over the Sea” through the Home Alone Sessions.