Watch Pattern is Movement’s evocative “Suckling” video
Philly experimental pop duo Pattern is Movement recently released a video for “Suckling”. The group has been making headlines lately, with features on both NPR’s World Cafe and on the Key’s Unlocked series. This year, the duo released their self-titled fifth album. It is a baroque, yet vibrant collection of electronic pop, with elements of R&B. Interestingly enough, the inspiration to use R&B came from a surprising source. As Andrew Thiboldeaux explained, the parallels between his religious background and R&B, “But the feelings I had in those church meetings were TRUE. My brain was registering it, I was high as a kite. There’s something about R&B and hip-hop that resonates with me as a result.” In his album review, the Key’s Sameer Rao states that ” every string-and-horn ensemble buildup in the beautiful service of capturing something as ephemeral as it is universal.”
The video for “Suckling” does exactly that. It has a sparse visual construction, consisting mostly of the half lit faces of Andrew Thiboldeaux and Chris Ward, dashes of shirts and drums, and closeups of noses, mouths, and grizzled beards.The video is more human than the more conceptual blurs of colors “Untitled: How Does it Feel?” However, there is definitely a spiritual, hopeful undertone to the song and the video. Maybe the video is meant to be evocative of the word “suckling”, like a newborn barely cognizant of the world, fading into consciousness, grasping for something. Maybe it’s just the guys having some fun with lighting. With a band as complex and layered as PIM, it could even be both. Watch the video below and decide for yourself.
Catch Pattern is Movement at Johnny Brenda’s on Sunday July 27th. Get more details here.