Hear the inspiration behind How To Dress Well’s “What Is This Heart”
Hear the inspiration behind How To Dress Well’s “What Is This Heart”
Photo via facebook.com/howtodresswellmusic
Earlier this summer, How to Dress Well (aka Tom Krell) recently released his excellent third album, What Is This Heart? This week, he released “Let U Know”, a partial cover of a song by oFF Love. Krell stated that the inspiration behind his newest album came from this song. In fact, as he was singing it, he “discovered the title of my album and a lot of its meaning.”
The track has a raw, arresting vocals. The singing manner retains the pop type singing he did on What is This Heart. Overall the song conveys a sense of vulnerability, similar to “Face Again“.
Catch How to Dress Well at District N9NE. Get more details about the show here. Listen to “Let U Know” below.