Listen to Lotus revive rock for the Gilded Age
Through their extensive discography, Philly jam band Lotus have hit almost every possible genre (and created some unique sounds along the way). They recently released their newest album, Gilded Age. The album is a followup to last year’s hip-hop based Monks, which had a decidedly futuristic feel to it.
However, Gilded Age draws inspiration from the past and plays on the rock aspect of the band, a side they don’t often explore. Instead of the smooth lines of Monks, the songs have relaxed vocals. The recording process was different too, as the band explained on their album preview video; all of the songs were recorded in one room with only a piano and some guitars. The instrumentation is simple and soothing, especially on tracks like “Out of Focus”. Interspersed are high energy electro-pop songs, like “Let Me In” and “Sunset of the Giant Dipper”. The album also has a few remixes, like Marley Carroll’s haunting remix of “I Want it All (To Give Away)”.
Catch Lotus at the Peach Music Festival up in Scranton on August 14th. Get more details here. Listen to the title track from Gilded Age below.