Swearin’ frontwoman Allison Crutchfield goes introspective on Lean In To It
Swearin’ singer Allison Crutchfield recently released her debut solo EP, Lean In To It, and it’s a masterful, fuzzy reverie on love. The album features duets with Radiator Hospital Sam Cook-Parrott, a friend and muse of Crutchfield. He also plays bass throughout the album and co-wrote the lyrics for “Lupe”.
Lean In To It starts with “SUPERMOON”, a slow, dreamy lo fi number which sets the tone for the rest of the album. It continues with the more upbeat “No One Knows,” followed by the equally poppy romantic duet between Cook Parrot and Crutchfield on “Rose Knows”. On the short, melachonly “CC,” Cook Parrot and Crutchfield repeat “I know I’m not the one who’s on your mind.”
Through the course of Lean In To It, we see Crutchfield go from a reflection of a relationship with a lover to a reflection of the music scene. In this way, Crutchfield mixes the two; the lover becomes the scene. Crutchfield’s grown up, and maybe grown past it as she reflects on the final track, “Berlin”; “We are not what we once were / we get high drinking wine from the bottle and go for a walk / you can’t look past the graffiti or the litter on the ground / like how I can’t looked past all this rain.”
Listen to “Berlin” from Lean In To It below.