Ninety seconds of pop-punk delight: listen to a new Aspiga song
South Jersey dudes Aspiga are often described as pop-punk — and they do pop-punk extremely well. But there’s more to their sound than that. The trio pack aggression into their tunes, keeping things edgy and engaging, and their new song “My Little Eraser” is no exception. Coming in at a brief minute and a half, the song rocks hard from start to finish. Heavy guitars and singer Kevin Day’s gentle growl as he sings, “you’ll understand why my head’s in the clouds” make “Eraser” an exciting preview of what’s to come with Aspiga’s new record.
Listen to a premiere of “My Little Eraser” here via Wondering Sound. The new record, What Happened to You?, is set for an October 20th release on Paper + Plastik Records. Catch the band at Mill Hill Saloon with Restorations and Banquets on September 5th – details here.