Watch Dead Milkmen record the carnivalesque “Pretty Music For Pretty People”
Following a knockout show at Laurel Hill Cemetery last Friday (check out photos here), Philadelphia’s Dead Milkmen debuted a music video this week for the title track to their forthcoming album Pretty Music For Pretty People. The song is set to the twinkling sounds of circus music and tells the tale of an award show acceptance speech while reminding the winner “don’t forget to wave to the people you screwed / to get that perfect 10 out of 10 review.” Funny. However, do not expect a play by play depiction of the VMAs. The Brian Siano-directed video opens as a women curiously recites “Eeenie meanie jelly beanie” into a microphone before the music begins. From there, the video essentially catches the band recording the track in Miner Street Studios, and we’re pretty psyched that we get to watch a little piece of Dead Milkmen history. Check it out below.