Free at Noon Flashback: J Mascis brings out a crowd to World Cafe Live
Former Dinosaur Jr. frontman J Mascis brought out a packed room of enthusiastic fans as the featured artist for today’s Free At Noon concert. Mixing some of his older stuff like “Get Me,” which was sure to bring a reaction out of the bubbly crowd, he mixed in selections from this year’s Tied To A Star, including gnarly guitar solos accented with heavy distortion. Though it was a one-man show, Mascis nonchalantly played underlying guitar riffs, looped them and continued to play over them to create a huge sound. Though his performance was quiet and to-the-point, the crowd’s energy was enough to fill the room, and many hollered for an encore after he announced “That’s it” and shuffled off stage. Listen back to an archive of the performance and check out photos and the setlist below.
[xpnplayer action=”audio” category=”Free At Noon” artist=”J Mascis 9.29.14 ” date=”2014″ button=”yes”][/xpnplayer]
Little Fury Things
Every Morning
Get Me
Heal the Star
Not You Again