Ron Nord | via

There’s isn’t a ton of information about Philadelphia singer/songwriter Ron Nord out there. It’s hard to tell when he started, his influences, or what his live performances are like. The only information about the indie rock artist is that he has an album called Becoming that is going to be released on November 4th. To be honest, that may be the only information that you need to know.

Once you listen to his song “You Aren’t Real” you will be intrigued by how he is able capture a listener’s attention with his natural born talent. “You Aren’t Real’ is a beautiful song that tells the story of a brokenhearted man who is reflecting about the love he lost and how it’s affecting him in this present day. It’s one of those songs that can make a person either relate to the artist or reminisce of a similar situation that they’ve experienced. What’s great about Ron Nord is that there’s nothing fancy about his music. He comes to you with nothing but his voice, a guitar, stories about the life that he’s lived.

According to his Bandcamp page, “This album is the journey we have all been on. The journey of figuring out who we are in this world by fighting through confusion, love, bitterness, freedom, loss, and hope.” With a song like “You Aren’t Real” and this type of description for his upcoming debut album, it’s safe to say that Ron Nord is definitely a hidden gem that Philadelphia needs to look out for. Below listen to “You Aren’t Real” and pre-order the album at Bandcamp.