Watch Air is Human’s experimental session with Out of Town Films
Watch Air is Human’s experimental session with Out of Town Films
Air is Human | photo courtesy of the artist
Multi-instrumental duo Air is Human recorded with Out of Town Films this past November. The Philly ambient duo of Jeff Lucci and Josh Aptner recorded a nearly nine-minute session of an unreleased track titled “Fugue {Ø}.” Lucci takes on guitar, bass, rhodes, and synth for Air is Human while Aptner plays intricate rhythms on drums, vibraphones, and other modes of percussion.
This track highlights Aptner’s aggressive yet warming drum grooves and Lucci’s entrancing bass-heavy synthesizer experimentation. Air is Human has been pretty dormant with recordings since the release of their 2012 EP, The Infinity Limit. According to the band’s Facebook, they have a score for a film and an album currently in the works.